Tara & Kris | Cheyenne, Wyoming Wedding Photographer
This was the wedding of all weddings. In fact, I might still be spinning from Tara and Kris’ big day. Wow. Tara and Kris were married near Boulder, Wyoming last summer. It was one of the most unique, fun, and incredible weddings I’ve ever witnessed, and it was an immense honor to capture it. Because the day didn’t follow a typical wedding day progression, it might be easiest to walk you through the day alongside the photos.
Meet Tara. Spunky, intense, fun-loving, and one of the best photographers I know. Check out her amazing work here: www.blushingcrow.com/ (Yeah, I didn’t sleep a wink the night before this wedding.) I feel so blessed to know this green-eyed beauty. I can be having the absolute worst day, and this girl can send me a text that makes me laugh so hard I spit coffee across the room.
Meet Kris. Genuine, amazing guy who also happened to be bit by an otter a few days before his wedding while he was fishing. Hence, the otter that crops up in at least 25% of the photos of Kris throughout the day. His fishing escapade also provided the wedding week with its namesake: “Otterstock.”
Tara’s grandmother is such a sweet, sweet soul. Loved this set…
…and this one. Dads and daughters always get to me, but especially these two.
LOVED this idea. Wyoming flag as the guest book — so great! The red, white and blue Wyoming theme fit perfectly with the timing of the wedding, too, which took place fourth of July weekend.
The festivities began with a carnival, followed by toasts and first dances.
Tara completely surprised Kris by giving him a boat as a wedding gift.
Then came the rain.
And some more sunshine…
After a carnival, toasts, lots of dancing, and some pinata-busting, we moved onto the ceremony…
During the vows, the thunder and rain made another appearance.
I’m pretty sure no party is complete without Twister — in the mud.
Side note: my husband may or may not have come along and had a really good time. Such a good time that I was able to snag this beauty:
He also lost a few pieces of my equipment between the time I asked him to grab them from the reception area and take them to the car. When asked to explain himself, he just kind of shrugged and said, “Fireball.” 🙂
As you can see, it was a little hard not to have a blast during the crazy adventure that was Tara and Kris’ amazing day. It was a day filled with so much love, happiness, and joy that it was like a July thundercloud that couldn’t contain itself. Tara, thank you for entrusting me with your absolutely epic and stunning wedding. I am one lucky photographer, and our family is so blessed to have you, Kris, and your sweet family in our lives.
And now, I leave you with a couple parting images of Tara’s dress the morning after the wedding of all weddings…