school pictures Cheyenne

My Approach to School, Daycare & Preschool Pictures

I offer school pictures, preschool photos and team photos in Cheyenne, Laramie and Fort Collins.

Have you ever wondered why school pictures seem to be stuck in a place in time that never changes? I am baffled that we can still choose the same laser beam backgrounds that were available to me as a kid in the 80’s. Technology, clothing styles, transportation modes (and everything else pretty much) seemed to evolve, while the school photo experience remains stuck in 1990.

Now that my kids are school aged, I have decided to offer something different. School pictures need a refresh. My goal is to offer a simple, seamless experience to parents and families while delivering beautiful, modern images that showcase your child’s real personality.




I’ve been a Cheyenne photographer for over 13 years, photographing countless families throughout their lives.
I’ve always been fascinated by how truthful kids are, and my goal is to capture them being genuinely themselves. I want you to be able to see their personalities shining through classic imagery that stands the test of time.

“Her calm demeanor and the way she interacts with kiddos cannot be beat, but the amazing photos put her over the top.”

-JoAnna D., Client

school photographers Cheyenne

What to Wear for School Photos

How to choose clothing that photographs beautifully for school pictures.

school pictures Cheyenne Laramie

Looking to Book Your School?

Learn more about how to book your school or team here.

Fort Collins school pictures

Learn More About Ordering Your Photos Online

I use an online system and store that makes ordering your pictures painless.


Hi there! I’m a mother of two lovely girls, a wife, and an entrepreneur. I’ve been photographing kids and families in Cheyenne, Laramie and Fort Collins for over 13 years. Please feel free to reach out to me directly with any questions!
