cheyenne senior pictures

Cassidy | Cheyenne Central High School Class of 2017 | Cheyenne, Wyoming Senior Photographer

This girl. Seriously, how beautiful is she? I think every time someone has mentioned Cassidy to me over the past year or so since I took her photos says this. It goes something like this, “Oh yeah, you took Cassidy’s photos, didn’t you? She’s SO gorgeous.”

It’s true. She is stunning. And here’s the thing, I don’t think Cassidy has any clue just how gorgeous she is. She’s one of those people who carries herself in such a humble way, yet she has this quiet, natural grace about her that is hard to miss.

I feel so lucky to have been the one to capture the lovely Cassidy’s senior photos last fall. She brought one of her buddies and we had a blast! Bringing along a friend for your session can help you to feel more relaxed. Who better to make you laugh than your best friend, right?

Thanks so much for choosing me for your senior photos, Cassidy! Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes on your next adventure!