Jaynie {Rock Springs High School Class of 2015} Cheyenne, Wyoming Senior Photographer

This beautiful lady was my very first niece. I remember waiting to meet her at the hospital after she was born, and I’ve watched her grow into a beautiful, empowered young woman who is more driven than any high school student I’ve encountered.

When she was 13, she made a quilt for Cowboys Against Cancer, an organization that provides monetary assistance for medical expenses to cancer patients. I remember watching her go up on stage in front of a crowd of 850 without batting an eye to talk about her grandfather who had recently passed away from cancer and to help auction off her quilt. She raised nearly $8000 that year. She has done three quilts since then that raised thousands in those years as well.

I’ve watched from afar as she has since become junior class president, then senior class president, and has inspired her entire school into a spirit of community service through the Make a Wish Foundation.

I’ve never met a more mature, driven, and well-rounded teenager, and as you can probably gather, I’m very proud of all her accomplishments thus far. I know this girl has so much more in store for the years to come, and I can’t wait to see what else she will do with her dedication and determination. I’m also just a *little* excited she’s decided to go to school just over the hill from us. 😉

Jaynie, you are such an amazing example for our girls, and I couldn’t be more proud of where you have been and where you are headed in life. Please don’t be a stranger next year! We love you so much! Congratulations!!