Lauren {Laramie High School Class of 2014} | Laramie, Wyoming Senior Photographer

Oh how I loved this session. Lauren had so many fun ideas for her shoot. We met in Cheyenne last summer to chat, and I got the feeling Lauren had been thinking about her senior photos for a very long time. Lauren is an extremely creative gal. I think she plays every musical instrument under the sun. As if she’s not keeping busy enough with music, she also makes amazing jewelry in her spare time. I loved how excited she was about her senior session. We started her session in Laramie, but my favorite images were those we took in the Snowy Range. Our initial plan was to take her VW bug to Lake Marie for some shots, but it only made the trek to Centennial. We captured a few after dark of that fantastic bug. Thanks so much for the fun session, Lauren! Congrats on your graduation! Best of luck with all your future plans.

I also wanted to give a shout out to the extremely talented makeup artist and stylist Robin McIntyre in Laramie, who did Lauren’s makeup for the shoot. Class of 2015 seniors, I would highly recommend hiring a makeup artist like Robin for your senior shoot. I can arrange a complimentary makeup session prior to your shoot — just ask!

Another reminder that I’m running a senior special for seniors who book in the next two weeks – $45 off your senior package.