Trusting the Moment | Year in Review | Wyoming Wedding Photographer

Two thousand eighteen graced us with three Teton County weddings, several Laramie and Cheyenne weddings, a camping wedding, one Brush Creek Ranch wedding and one Black Hills wedding. I’ve started blogging them all, and you can see more detailed posts about each here.
I used to go into each wedding day worried about missing something important. Today, after having 57 weddings under my belt and moving into my fourth season with Liz, I worry about that a lot less lately. I no longer worry about missing something big. These days, I worry about missing something small.
The small, in-between moments of each wedding day are what make up the fabric of your story. Years down the road, the subtleties of your wedding will tell the story of your day better than any epic moment you may have envisioned ahead of time. The small moments will tell you more about your relationship, your family dynamics, and the friends who made you who you are, individually and as a couple. And I think that’s why I love weddings so much; there are so many small moments in your day that can’t be planned or predicted.
We both fall in love a little with every single couple we photograph, but this year, we fell hard. We fell hard for their stories, their histories and their moments. It was a year of things coming full circle, the pinnacle of our styles matching with the right people, and that is an amazing feeling.
It was Liz and my third season shooting together. We see things very differently, but I think we both anticipate how the other is seeing is a scene. We are working in tandem to make sure we can both efficiently execute a vision, because we have an idea of how the other one is processing a scene. When one of us is directing or getting a safe shot, the other is finding a way to get something unexpected.
We’ve been leaning into moments more. We’ve learned to connect more fully with our couples to understand them on a different level than what initially meets the eye. The result is more emotion, more truth and more emotional investment, from us and from our couples.
Our couples also aren’t afraid to get dirty or wander a bit. They don’t mind climbing rocks, letting their hair blow in the breeze or taking off their shoes. They let go of perfection in honor of being themselves. But most of all, they just really seem to trust us and they learn to trust the moment.
This slideshow is five minutes long. If you have the time, please watch it for us to the end. This season meant so much to both of us, and we loved every second of it. To each of these couples, thank you for trusting us. Thank you for letting us get close. We are so honored and we love you all. Happy New Year, friends.